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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • I have removed my name from the file!
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The font I use is Times New Roman 12 p, and the space between lines is 1,5. Each paragraph ends with an empty line and I do not use indents.

Author Guidelines

Authors are kindly requested to adhere to the following:

The length of article manuscripts should normally not exceed 8.000 words. The font should be Times New Roman 12pt. The same font must be used for the whole document (including title, headings, main body, etc.). Margins should be 2.5 cm on all four sides and line spacing should be set at 1.5. Authors are requested to use line space to separate paragraphs. In the layout process, this will be changed into indentation.

The paper should be delivered as an electronic file (.doc or .rtf). In addition, it is advisable to submit a pdf-file, in particular if the author wishes to explain in detail how s/he would like to have the article printed with respect to special symbols, tables, figures, etc.

Articles should be divided into chapters. Each chapter must be given a number and a descriptive heading. If necessary, each chapter can be further divided into sections and subsections, with headings (up to three layers, i.e. 1.1.1, etc.). There should be an introductory chapter presenting the main topic, and results, and how the paper is organised; and a short conclusions chapters at the end. Within the body of the text, examples should be italicised (e.g.: ... the verb bíhaga 'please, appeal to' ...; ... the informal expression meikar ekki diff ...), and the same applies to book titles (e.g. ... the latest edition of Íslensk orðabók provides two examples ...). Headings of tables and figures are italicised, while captions are not (e.g.: Table 1. The most frequent word forms in the corpus.). Likewise, within the text body, references to these headings should appear in italics (e.g. ... is shown in Figure 2 ...).

Bold type should be used sparingly, for emphasis or to indicate important concepts. Other type shifts should only be used if absolutely necessary, and their function in the text must be clear to the reader.

The meaning of words or expressions should be rendered within single upper quotation marks (e.g. ... sleði 'sledge' ...), while direct quotations are shown within double quotation marks (e.g.: ... and other "barbarismos in Lingua Patria", as he calls them ...).

Tables/figures must fit (including captions) on a page of 12x17 cm. Tables/figures must be numbered. In the body of the text, authors are requested to refer to these numbers (e.g. ... as is shown in Table 3 ...). Captions describing the content of
tables/figures should always be used, even if there are further explanations in the main text.  An optimum position of tables/figures in the text should be clearly indicated (though the layout must decide if this can be met).

Footnotes should have running numbers from the beginning to the end of the paper. Their number and length should be kept to a minimum.

Authors are requested to submit a short abstract (max. 200 words) together with the article, in both Icelandic and English. If needed, the editor will assist the authors with the Icelandic version of the abstract. Abstracts should contain a description of the topic of the papers, the general outline of the analysis, discussion and argumentation, as well as the main results.

An abstract (in a different language from the paper itself) will follow the paper in the journal. Abstracts in English and Icelandic will be published on the website of Orð og tunga. Furthermore, authors must provide a few words or concepts (ca. 3-5; preferably in Icelandic and English), as keywords. These are printed at the end of the article.

Finally, the author's/authors' full name(s), affiliation, contact address(es), and e-mail(s) should be submitted. The structure of an article could thus be as follows:

Article heading
1 Introduction
2 XXXHeadingXXX
2.1 xxxheadingxxx
2.2 xxxheadingxxx
2.3 xxxheadingxxx
3 YYYHeadingYYY
3.1 yyyheadingyyy
3.2 yyyheadingyyy
3.3 yyyheadingyyy
4 Conclusion
Author's/Authors' full name(s), affiliation, contact address(es), and e-mail(s)
Quotations and references

Short quotations within the body of the text should be marked by (double) quotation marks, whereas longer quotations are to be put in a separate paragraph. References to sources of direct and indirect quotations should be put in parentheses within the main text, containing the author's name (or the title of the work, e.g. a dictionary), publishing year, and, when appropriate, the page number(s). Please note that a reference to an Icelandic author should include his or her full name. Examples of different forms of a reference could be as follows:

1. ... NN (1999:10–12) maintains that ...
2. ... (cf. NN 1999:333) ...
3. ... the analysis in NN (1999) shows that ... , etc.

The titles of dictionaries (or other works), which are frequently quoted, can be abbreviated, and in such cases the abbreviations should define their position in the reference list and be
defined there (cf. examples below). The reference list should contain information on all sources referred to in the article: author, publishing year, title of a book or an article, as well as of the collection or journal
where it appeared, the page numbers, and when appropriate the volume/issue of the journal; in the case of books the publisher and the place should also be indicated.
References to sources on the web should contain an exact path and preferably the date at which the source was consulted/fetched. Sources that are not mentioned or referred to
directly in the article should not appear in the reference list.

The form of the reference list should be in accordance with the following example:

Ásgeir Blöndal Magnússon. 1989. Íslensk orðsifjabók. Reykjavik: Orðabók Háskólans.

Bloomfield, Leonard. 1937. Notes on Germanic Compounds. In: Mélanges linguistiques offerts à M. Holger Pedersen, pp. 303–307. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard.

Guðrún Þórhallsdóttir. 2013. Analogical Changes in the History of Old Icelandic fela. In: Adam I. Cooper, Jeremy Rau & Michael Weiss (eds.). Multi Nominis Grammaticus. Studies in Classical and Indo-European Linguistics in honor of Alan J. Nussbaum, on the occasion of his sixty–fifth birthday, pp. 76–93. Ann Arbor / New York: Beech Stave Press.

Íslensk orðabók. 2002. (3. ed.) Ed. Mörður Árnason. Reykjavik: Edda.

Kristín Bjarnadóttir. 2001. Verbal Syntax in an Electronic Bilingual Icelandic Dictionary: A Preliminary Study. LexicoNordica 8:5–21.

Kristján Árnason. 2002. Upptök íslensks ritmáls. Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði 24:157−193.

Nynorskordboka. www.nob-ordbok.uio.no (retrived July 2018).

ROH = Ritmálssafn. www.arnastofnun.is/page/gagnasofn_ritmalssafn (retrived August 2019).

Svensén, Bo. 2004. Handbok i lexikografi. Ordböcker och ordboksarbete i teori og praktik. Stockholm: Norstedts Akademiska Förlag.

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