Í áttina að samfelldri orðabók - nokkrir megindrættir í Íslensku orðaneti

  • Jón Hilmar Jónsson Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum
Keywords: electronic dictionaries, thesaurus, word net, synonyms, lemmatisation, collocation, phraseology


In this article it is argued that a comprehensive electronic dictionary description must rest on a new and more wide ranging basis than previously possible for those printed works that for a long time have shaped lexicography the most. Instead of focusing on particular lemmas and their different meanings it is necessary first to identify semantic relations within the vocabulary, both regarding words and phrases, based on a systematic analysis of collocations and other phrases. It is described how such an analysis can connect semantic and formal features of phrases and, by offering combined searches, how users can employ various search facilities. The presentation of such a dictionary description is further described with reference to the ongoing project <i>Íslenskt orðanet </i>(Icelandic Word Net).  
Non-refereed Short Papers