Hallgrímur Scheving og tökuorðin

  • Guðrún Kvaran Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum / Hásk´óli Íslands
Keywords: lexicography, vocabulary, loan words, linguisic purism


The article discusses the manuscript Lbs. ÍB 359 4to, that contains e.g. a copy by Magnús Grímsson of a list of loan words by Hallgrímur Scheving, teacher in Bessastaðaskóli, which he called Florilegium; literally “collection of flowers” but could be called “a collection of examples”. First some examples of probably finished articles from the letter s were discussed, that may show what Hallgrímur was aiming at with his collection. The words beginning with d and g were compared with Björn Halldórsson´s Icelandic-Latin-Danish dictionary (1814/1992) and Ásgeir Blöndal Magnússon´s Icelandic etymological dictionary (1989). The final chapter is a summary of conclusions.

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