Smíð. Lególeikur. Endurvinnsla.

  • Ari Páll Kristinsson Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum / Hásk´óli Íslands
Keywords: nýyrði, tökuorð, nýyrðastefna, hreintungustefna, breytileiki eftir málsniðum


This article is about the relationship between neologisms and neologism policy in Icelandic. It is argued that there is not necessarily any direct correlation between the creation and use of neologisms on the one hand, and neologism policy on the other. However, neologism policy has certainly had its influence on both the coining and use of neologisms. Neologism policy is defined as one branch of purism. The concept of purism is discussed in some detail. It is argued that puristic attudes alone do not offer an adequate explanation for the strong position held by neologisms in Icelandic, since they are no less supported by language internal factors of systematization and continuity in the lexicon.

The registers of formal situations and written texts are often characterized by neologisms, while the registers of informal situations and spoken texts are often characterized by loan words, with the same meaning or a similar meaning. Even though the creation and use of neologisms is not necessarily in general any proof of loyalty towards neologism policy, it is evident that this state of synonymity can not be explained without reference to neologism policy.

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