Kvistur: An automatic decompounder

  • Jón Friðrik Daðason University of Iceland
  • Kristín Bjarnadóttir Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
Keywords: language technology, decompounding, constituent structure, Icelandic compounds


Compounding is extremely productive in Icelandic and multi-word compounds are common. The likelihood of finding previously unseen compounds in texts is thus very high, which makes out-of-vocabulary words a problem in the use of NLP tools. Kvistur, the decompounder described in this paper, splits Icelandic compounds and shows their binary constituent structure. The probability of a constituent in an unknown (or unanalysed) compound forming a combined constituent with either of its neighbours is estimated, with the use of data on the constituent structure of over 240 thousand compounds from the Database of Modern Icelandic Inflection, and word frequencies from Íslenskur orðasjóður, a corpus of approx. 550 million words. Thus, the structure of an unknown compound is derived by comparison with compounds with partially the same constituents and similar structure in the training data. The granularity of the split returned by the decompounder is important in tasks such as semantic analysis or machine translation, where a flat (non-structured) sequence of constituents is insufficient.

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