Silly Icelandic neologisms?

  • Ágústa Þorbergsdóttir Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
Keywords: neologism, word formation, Icelandic, transparency, term


In this article, I discuss common ideas that speakers of Icelandic have about neologisms and their formation. Based on public discussions, we can assume that speakers find
accuracy and transparency to be the most important features of a neologism. At the same time, they need to be as short as possible. These requirements often conflict.
Additionally, neologisms should fit into the Icelandic grammatical and phonological system, be well suited to use as part of compound words and other word formations
accomplished through derivation. Finally, speakers tend to be more positive towards neologisms that are formed by using Icelandic roots than using adaptations of words
borrowed from other languages.

Non-refereed Short Papers