Þegar manni verður orða vant! eða Orðlausar orðabækur

  • Gauti Kristmannsson Háskóli Íslands
Keywords: bilingual English-Icelandic dictionaries, language attitudes, terminology, translation


The goal here is to discuss one dictionary which many Icelandic translators have made use of for quite some time now and that is Ensk-íslensk orðabók með alfræðilegu ívafi which was first published 1984 by Örn og Örlygur and appeared in four more editions 1985, 1986, 1987 and 1991. I propose to "read'' this book not only as the professional instrument it certainly is, but also as a cultural phenomenon, the way in which it reflects our view of the Icelandic language and also English. In addition I want to ponder on how important it is as cultural artefact in our society.

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