Samband forsetninga og samsettra orða

  • Jón G. Friðjónsson Háskóli Íslands
Keywords: drag-chain change, functional meaning, lexicon, lexicology, preposition, word formation, syntactic change, systematic changes


The prepositions undan and á undan are an integral part of the prepositional subsystem of Icelandic referring to place and time. A number of changes within the system itself has led to the system of modern Icelandic, some of which must be considered in a synchronic analysis, e.g. the oppositions á undan `before, ante' vs. á eftir `after, post' and á eftir `following' vs. á undan `in front of'. Similarly there is a direct connection between the semantics of composite words beginning in undan- and the syntactic characteristics of the prepositions undan and á undan.

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