Orðastaður og Orðaheimur

Jón Hilmar Jónsson: Orðastaður. Orðabók um íslenska mál- notkun. Önnur útgáfa, aukin og endurskoðuð. JPV útgáfa, Reykjavík 2001. ISBN 9979-761-51-2. xxxv + 708 bls. Jón Hilmar Jónsson: Orðaheimur. íslensk hugtakaorðabók með orða- og orðasambandaskrá. JPV útgáfa, Reykjavík 2002. ISBN 9979-761-74-1. xxii + 936 bls.

  • Jóhannes Gísli Jónsson Háskóli Íslands


This paper discusses two dictionaries by Jón Hilmar Jónsson, Orðastaður and Orðaheimur, both of which focus on language use rather than descriptions of meaning.

The examples of usage in Orðastaður are very good and often provide better information than traditional semantic definitions. Case government is usually shown clearly but the selection of the lexical items should have been more in tune with the emphasis on language use.

Orðaheimur is based on 840 concepts and all kinds of lexemes associated with them. The book is well organized and provides a wealth of information. However, the list of words and idioms could have been more extensive and the division of the concepts more systematic.

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