Hlutverk tvímála orðabóka

Ólíkar notendaþarfir í íslensk-frönsku ljósi

  • Rósa Elín Davíðsdóttir Deild erlendra tungumála, bókmennta og málvísinda, Háskóla Íslands
Keywords: bilingual lexicography, Icelandic-French dictionary, equivalents, collocations, example sentences


This article describes the role of bilingual dictionaries according to their uses either for production or reception of a foreign language. The focus is on the users of a bilingual dictionary with Icelandic as the source language and French as the target language. The benefits as well as the limits of bilingual dictionaries are discussed. The choice possibilities of lemma words and the meta-language in bidirectional dictionaries are considered as well as the microstructure of lemma words in a production dictionary, in particular the importance of meaning discrimination when more than one equivalent is proposed for the lemma word. The possibilities and solutions that electronic dictionaries offer are taken into account, for example regarding the user interface. In this context the ISLEX dictionary will be looked into. Dictionary entries from a an Icelandic-French dictionary published in 1950 will be analysed and example entries for a new Icelandic-French Dictionary proposed, including more examples and collocations in order to illustrate the use of equivalents in the target language.

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